Public offer of PTUE "BELSATplus" on the sale of the Subscription to the "MODIFIER" software package dated 11.08.2023.
1. Basic concepts.
1.1. The MODIFIER package includes the following programs:
◄ 2. «Functional analysis in TRIZ»;
◄ 4. «M.Algorithm»;
◄ 5. «M.Light»;
◄ 6. «M.IMPACTS»;
◄ 7. «M.Visual50»;
◄ 8. «M.Visual76»;
◄ 9. «M.VisualMLP»;
◄ 12. «Idea Generator».
1.2. Subscription to the "MODIFIER" software package is carried out for a period of bonus + 90 days (a `day` is considered a day = 24 hours).
1.3. The cost of a subscription to the MODIFIER software package for a period of bonus + 90 days is 90 BYN.
1.4. Subscription to the MODIFIER software package starts with a bonus (within a day after payment, the Buyer receives a Username and Password), is valid until the start of the main subscription period of 90 days, and ends at 00:00 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). The main period of 90 days (days) is the upcoming quarter (quarter) of the year.
1.5. Payment for the Subscription is accepted by a bank card remotely, through a secure connection with the bank (online payment, Internet acquiring).
The security of making a payment is ensured by modern methods of verification, encryption and data transmission over closed communication channels.
Alfa-Bank's payment service complies with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
1.6. The seller is BTUP "BELSATplus". Legal address - 220005, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, st. Kozlova, 3, of. 3.
1.7. Seller's website -
1.8. URL of the MODIFIER software package:
1.9. The Buyer is an individual or legal entity that pays for a subscription to the MODIFIER Software Package for a period of bonus + 90 days and accepts the terms of this Public Offer.
1.10. The Buyer, when paying with a bank card, is obliged to indicate a valid e-mail to which within 24 hours an e-mail will be sent from ChTUP "BELSATplus", which indicates the URL, date and time of the active Subscription, Username and Password, to access the programs from the "MODIFIER" package, valid for bonus + 90 days (clause 1.4. of this offer).
1.11. The MODIFIER software package belongs to the Seller who advertises it on the Internet, where information about the Subscription offered for payment is provided, as well as the conditions and procedure for choosing, Subscribing, paying, obtaining access to the Subscription by the Buyer.
1.12. The Service for Subscribing to the Software Package "MODIFIER" is a sale of a paid Service offered for sale by PTUE "BELSATplus".
1.13. Acceptance of the offer - full and unconditional acceptance by the Buyer of the terms of this Public Offer.
1.14. Subscription - a duly executed request of the Buyer for the purchase and receipt of the Service selected on the Seller's Website (the "MODIFIER" software package).
2. General provisions.
2.1. The main regulatory legal acts in the Republic of Belarus that regulate online trading are:
- Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated February 1, 2010 No. 60 “On measures to improve the use of the national segment of the Internet”;
- Law of the Republic of Belarus dated 08.01.2014 No. 128-Z "On State Regulation of Trade and Public Catering in the Republic of Belarus";
- Law of the Republic of Belarus dated January 9, 2002 No. 90-З “On Protection of Consumer Rights”;
- Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus;
- Rules for the sale of goods in the implementation of retail trade on samples, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated January 15, 2009 No. 31.
- The list of non-food products of good quality that are not subject to exchange and return (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus on June 14, 2002 No. 778 “On measures to implement the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, as amended).
2.2. Retail trade is carried out in the following forms (subclause 1.2 clause 1 of the Decree of the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade of the Republic of Belarus dated June 28, 2019 No. 56 “On Classification of Retail Trade Forms”).
2.3. RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS AND THE NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS July 6, 2011 No. 924/16 "On the use of cash and other equipment when accepting means of payment."
2.4. Administrative liability for violation of the requirements for the use of the national segment of the Internet is provided for by a special rule contained in Art. 22.16, 22.17, 22.18, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Administrative Offenses), as well as a number of general rules.
2.5. Regulations on the procedure for state registration of information networks, systems and resources of the national segment of the global computer network Internet, located on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated April 29, 2010 No. 644.
2.6. Rules for the sale of certain types of goods and the implementation of public catering, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated July 22, 2014 No. 703.
2.7. This Public Offer, as well as the Subscription information posted on the website, is a public offer in accordance with the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus.
Acceptance of this offer (attachment agreement) is the registration and payment by the Buyer of the Subscription to the MODIFIER software package in accordance with the terms of this offer (attachment agreement).
2.8. This Public Offer contains all the essential conditions for concluding a retail sale and purchase agreement and is a public offer in accordance with the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus.
2.9. The Buyer, by his actions aimed at completing the Subscription and purchasing the Subscription, expresses his consent to the terms of this Public Offer. If the Visitor/User disagrees with the terms of this Public Offer, the Subscription and the purchase of the Subscription on the Site cannot be made.
2.10. The agreement concluded on the basis of the Buyer's acceptance of this offer is an accession agreement to which the Buyer joins without any exceptions and / or reservations.
2.11. The terms of this Public Offer may be changed by the Seller unilaterally by posting new terms on the Site. The new terms of the Public Offer come into force from the moment they are posted on the Seller's Website, unless otherwise provided by the rules being introduced. The terms of this public offer cannot be changed by the Buyer unilaterally.
2.12. If the Buyer and the Seller have not additionally agreed on other conditions than those set forth in this Public Offer, then the terms of this Public Offer, as well as the norms of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus in the part not regulated by the provisions of this Public Offer, apply to the relations of these persons. The fact of Subscribing by the Buyer is an unconditional fact of acceptance by the Buyer of the terms of this Agreement. The Buyer who has purchased a Subscription in the Seller's Online Store (who has issued a Subscription) is considered as a person who has entered into a relationship with the Seller on the terms of this Agreement.
2.13. When subscribing, the Buyer informs the Seller of his e-mail and thereby agrees to the use of these means of communication by the Seller, as well as by third parties involved by the Seller for the purpose of fulfilling obligations to the Buyer, in order to carry out mailings of an advertising and informational nature containing information about discounts, upcoming and current promotions and other events of the Seller, as well as other information directly related to the fulfillment of the Seller's obligations in accordance with the terms of this Public Offer.
3. Subject of the public offer.
3.1. The subject of this Public Offer is the provision by the Seller to the Buyer of the opportunity to purchase, for educational and research purposes, a short-term Subscription (bonus + 90 days) to the MODIFIER software package located at
3.2. The price for a short-term Subscription (bonus + 90 days) of the MODIFIER software package is 90 BYN.
4. Registration on the site.
4.1. The Buyer is obliged to register on the Site to receive a Subscription (bonus + 90 days) for the MODIFIER Software Package.
4.2. In the process of subscribing a short-term Subscription (bonus + 90 days) of the MODIFIER software package, the Buyer is obliged to indicate his current e-mail, in order to establish feedback with the Buyer by the Seller in order to provide him with a Username and Password for access to the Subscription programs.
4.3. The Seller is not responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the information provided by the Buyer when specifying his e-mail.
4.4. Communication between the Buyer and the representatives of the Seller should be based on the principles of generally accepted morality and communication etiquette. It is forbidden to use obscene words, abuse, offensive expressions, as well as threats and blackmail, regardless of the form and to whom they were addressed.
5. Procedure for making a purchase of a Subscription to the MODIFIER software package.
5.1. The Subscription of the Subscription and its payment is made by the Buyer in accordance with the procedures specified on the Site by clicking on the button "Pay for the Subscription (bonus + 90 days)" Program package "MODIFIER".
5.2. After paying for the Subscription on the Site, to the Buyer, within 24 hours, the Seller sends to his e-mail the Username and Password for access to the Subscription programs.
5.3. The Buyer is fully responsible for the provision of incorrect information, which entailed the impossibility of the Seller to properly fulfill its obligations to the Buyer. Each Party guarantees to the other Party that it has the appropriate right and sufficient legal capacity, as well as all other rights and powers necessary for the conclusion and execution of this agreement.
6. Procedure for obtaining a Subscription to the MODIFIER software package.
6.1. Access to the Subscription bonus + 90 days paid by the Buyer is carried out by entering the Username and Password by the Buyer into the appropriate input fields for the Subscription programs on the Site -
6.2. Subscription validity period:
Subscription to the MODIFIER software package starts with a bonus (within a day after payment, the Buyer receives a Username and Password), is valid until the start of the main subscription period of 90 days, and ends at 00:00 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). The main period of 90 days (days) is the upcoming quarter (quarter) of the year.
7. Payment for the Subscription to the MODIFIER software package.
7.1. The Subscription price is indicated on the Site in rubles of the Republic of Belarus and amounts to 90 BYN. Payment can also be made in another currency, which will be credited to the current account at the conversion rate for the current day.
7.2. The Subscription price on the Site may be changed by the Seller unilaterally. At the same time, the price for the Subscription previously paid by the Buyer is not subject to change.
7.3. Incorrect indication of the Subscription price and change of the Subscription price are not identical concepts.
7.4. The Buyer can make a preliminary payment for the Subscription using a bank card remotely, through a secure connection with the bank (online payment, Internet acquiring).
7.5. Operations with bank cards are performed by the cardholder or a person authorized by him.
7.6. The Seller has the right to provide discounts for the Subscription and establish bonus programs, discount or other types of loyalty programs. The types of discounts, bonuses, the procedure and conditions for accrual are determined by the Seller independently and are indicated on the Site and can be changed by the Seller unilaterally.
7.7. At the moment, there is a bonus: before the subscription period of 90 days, the buyer has the right to use the subscription, one day after payment. During the day, the Seller sends the Username and Password to the Buyer by e-mail to access the programs of the "MODIFIER" package.
8. The procedure for the return of funds transferred to the wrong account due to a technical failure of the payment system or the Buyer's error.
8.1. The order and procedures for the functioning of the payment system of Alfa-Bank CJSC are determined:
Banking Code of the Republic of Belarus,
Law of the Republic of Belarus dated April 19, 2022 No. 164-З "On payment systems and payment services" (hereinafter - Law No. 164),
Law of the Republic of Belarus dated June 30, 2014 No. 165-Z “On measures to prevent the legalization of proceeds from crime, the financing of terrorist activities and the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction” (hereinafter - Law No. 165),
other legislation on financial activity,
banking law,
legislation on information, informatization and information protection,
8.2. In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 971 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus, a person who has acquired or saved property at the expense of another person without the grounds established by law or a transaction is obliged to return to the latter the unjustly acquired or saved property, except for the cases provided for in Article 978 of the Civil Code.
In cases of erroneous transfer of money, you must contact any branch of Alfa Bank. Alfa Bank employees will help you fill out an application for a refund and send it to the bank where the transfer went by mistake.
If the recipient of the incorrect transfer is a client of Alfa Bank, then employees of Alfa Bank will ask him to return the money to the details specified in the application.
If the money came to the client of another bank, then the employees will send an application for a refund to the recipient bank.
In all cases, a return is possible only at the initiative of the recipient. The bank does not have the right to write off money from the account in an indisputable manner or with the oral consent of the recipient.
If the Buyer wrote and sent an application, but within 15 days the money has not been returned, then the Buyer can file a lawsuit in court.
8.3. Cancellation of the Buyer's Subscription, with a refund by the Seller, is not made, since the Buyer has a preliminary opportunity to get acquainted with the programs of the "MODIFIER" Package, repeatedly running demo versions of all time-limited programs, and make an informed decision on the need to use a paid short-term Subscription.
9. Responsibility of the parties.
9.1. The Seller is not liable for damage caused to the Buyer due to improper use of the Subscription purchased from the Online Store.
9.2. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
9.3. The Seller is not responsible for the impossibility of servicing the Buyer for any reasons beyond his control, including disruption of communication lines, equipment malfunction, failure to fulfill the obligations of providers of certain services, etc.
9.4. If the Buyer provides false information about his contact details (e-mail), the Seller is not responsible for the improper execution of the Subscription.
9.5. Force majeure action (force majeure). The Parties are released from liability for non-performance or improper performance of obligations under the Agreement for the duration of force majeure. By force majeure, the Parties understand extraordinary and insuperable circumstances under the given conditions that prevent the Parties from fulfilling their obligations under this Agreement. These include natural phenomena (earthquakes, floods, etc.), circumstances of public life (military actions, states of emergency, strikes, epidemics, etc.), actions of government measures (directly or indirectly affecting any from the Parties). During this time, the Parties do not have mutual claims, and each of the Parties assumes its own risk of the consequences of force majeure.
10. Validity of the Public Offer.
10.1. This Public Offer comes into force from the moment of its acceptance by the Buyer in accordance with clause 2.7. of this Public Offer, and is valid until the withdrawal of the acceptance of the Public Offer.
10.2. Revocation of the offer (Agreement) can be carried out by the Seller at any time, but this is not a basis for waiving the Seller's obligations under already concluded agreements. The Seller undertakes to place a notice of the withdrawal of the offer in his online store, indicating the exact time of the withdrawal of the offer, at least 12 hours before the event of the withdrawal (suspension) of the Offer.
11. Additional Terms.
11.1. The Seller has the right to assign or otherwise transfer its rights and obligations arising from its relationship with the Buyer to third parties.
11.2. The online store and the services provided may be temporarily partially or completely unavailable due to preventive or other work, or for any other technical reasons. The technical service of the Seller has the right to periodically carry out the necessary preventive or other work with or without prior notice to the Buyers.
11.3. The relations between the Buyer and the Seller are subject to the provisions of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
11.4. If the Buyer has any questions regarding the purchase of a Subscription from the Seller in accordance with this Public Offer, as well as in the event of claims regarding the procedure and conditions for the provision of services, the Buyer can contact by phone numbers listed on the Seller's Website or by e-mail (e-mail) or in any other way available to the Buyer to the Seller. The Parties will try to resolve all disputes arising through negotiations; if an agreement is not reached, the dispute may be referred to the court in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
11.5. The invalidation of one or more provisions of this Public Offer by the court does not entail the invalidity of other provisions and the Public Offer as a whole.
11.6. Using the services of the Site, the buyer confirms that he is familiar with all the clauses of this Agreement and unconditionally accepts them.
12. Details of the Seller.
220005, Minsk, st. Kozlova, 3, of. 3.
account BY94AKBB30121571200125300000 AKBBBY21514 in branch No. 514 of Belarusbank, code 614, Minsk, st. Surganova, 47a, UNP 190991566, OKPO 377910835000
Tel.: +375 17 35-49-777;
A1 +375 44 5-8888-77;
MTS +375 29 752-44-78;
Life +375 25 7-88888-7.