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Brief introduction.


Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ), these are methodologies for:


- Search for non-trivial ideas.

- Identification and solution of many creative problems in science, technology, society, psychology, ....

- Selection of promising directions for the development of equipment, technology and cost reduction for

their development and production.

- Development of structured and creative thinking.

- Formation of a creative personality and societies.


In TRIZ, when analyzing a problem and building a problem model, an understanding of cause-and-effect relationships (CER) in a complex system (CS) is built and the CS is divided into singles CER, at the chosen level of consideration.

Further, the internal elements of such separate, single CER are formed (in logic, these are the "Production Rules" or in a generalized, abbreviated notation - predicates, in science and technology - these are models of elementary systems (ES)). 

TRIZ is a set of methodologies for eliminating UNDESIRABLE CONSEQUENCES arising in the CER CS:

        A. The researcher of the problem, in order to improve the functioning or optimize the system under study, searches for manifestations of a negative effect (undesirable action, inefficiency, losses, undesirable process, etc.) in the system.

        B. When constructing a problem model, the researcher determines:


         - The main function (functioning purpose) of the CS;

         - Locations of processes (`operational zones`);

         - A system for setting, tracking and monitoring process parameters;

         - Many available resources (divided by: type, quantity, value for the SS, degree of readiness for use, source, ...);


           Next, the researcher divides the functioning of CC into sequential processes:


        - The process of entering the components necessary for work: ...;

        - The process of production (synthesis) from the components of the Object: energy, information, products, goods, values, services ...;

        - The process of transforming an Object (necessary for further use): energy, information, products, goods, values, services ...;

        - The process of influence of Subject 1 (actuator, mechanism, algorithm, ...) on the Object: `capture`, fixation of the Object;

        - The process of influence of Subject 2 (actuator, mechanism, algorithm, ...) on the Object: `change` of the parameters of the Object according to a given goal;

        - The process of outputting a finished Object (subject of labor).


        C. The researcher collects information about the occurrence of UNDESIRABLE EFFECTS, and then selects processes to work on eliminating them.

           The researcher analyzes the profitability, necessity and trends of further changes in the parameters of individual processes (for example, assesses at what stage of the S-curve the value of a key process parameter is located).

        D. The researcher divides the selected process into individual CER and determines among them the `ROOT' CER (in the `ROOT' CER the primary UNDESIRABLE CONSEQUENCE is formed, which, further, along the chain of other CER can spread to part of the process).

        E. The researcher defines and considers the roles of internal elements in the `ROOT` CER, these are:


         - SUBJECT (a source of influence that has a QUALITATIVE VALUE of a KEY PARAMETER (KP));

         - CAUSE (affects the OBJECT);


         - OBJECT (impact receiver having a QUALITATIVE VALUE OF THE DEPENDENT PARAMETER (DP));

         - CONSEQUENCE (the result of the impact on the OBJECT - a change in the QUALITATIVE VALUE of the salary).

        F. The researcher determines in the `ROOT` CER the KEY PARAMETER (KP) of the SUBJECT and its:

         - QUALITATIVE VALUE necessary to achieve the DESIRED CONSEQUENCE;

         - QUALITATIVE VALUE necessary to achieve an UNDESIRABLE CONSEQUENCE.

        G. As a result, the researcher gets a CONTRADICTION between 2 opposing REQUIREMENTS for CONSEQUENCES in the `ROOT' CER.

        H. The researcher changes or transforms the internal elements of the `ROOT' CER, which entails changing the `ROOT' CER itself, using TRIZ methods and tools, to eliminate the UNDESIRABLE CONSEQUENCE.

        I. The researcher can also manipulate several single CER, entailing a change in the influence of single CER on each other, using TRIZ methods and tools, to eliminate the UNDESIRABLE CONSEQUENCE.


TRIZ methodologies appeared in the middle of the 20th century in the republics

of the former USSR, thanks to their founder, Heinrich Saulovich Altshuller, and are

further developed by his students and followers.

The development of the structure of the creative style of thinking was a kind

of protest against `dullness of thought`, `one minding`, `everyday inertia of

thinking` and `suffocating` all new bureaucracy in technology and science.


At present, TRIZ methodologies have been applied not only to `technical systems`,

but also in sociology, management, marketing, business, and other areas of human activity.

They are studied and applied in the USA, Canada, Japan, Israel, the leading countries of

Europe and Southeast Asia, united in a kind of TRIZ ecosystem.

(For example, in China there are almost 3000 universities, 10% of which study TRIZ).

Disadvantages of TRIZ methodologies are insufficient scientific systematization and logical

formalization of methods and tools.

The programs of the `MODIFIER` package, among other things, are aimed at eliminating

these shortcomings.


What does mastering TRIZ give?:


- Ability to identify the essence of the problem.

- The ability to correctly determine the main directions of the search, not missing many points that you usually pass by.

- Knowledge of how to systematize the search for information on the choice of tasks and the search for directions for solutions.

- Learn to find ways to move away from traditional solutions.

- The ability to think logically, alogically, systematically.

- Significantly improve the efficiency of creative work.

- Reduce decision time.

- Look at things and phenomena in a new way.

- Develops creative imagination and thinking, improves cognitive abilities.

- Give impetus to inventive activity.

- Expand understanding of chains of cause and effect relationships at different levels of consideration of problems.


The composition of classical TRIZ includes:


- `Laws` of development of technical systems (TS).

- TRIZ Information Fund.

- Su-field analysis (structural real-field analysis) of technical systems.

- Algorithm for solving inventive problems - ARIZ.

- A method for identifying and predicting emergencies and undesirable phenomena.

- Methods of system analysis and synthesis.

- Functional cost analysis.

- Methods for the development of creative imagination.

- `Theory` of creative personality development.

- `Theory` of the development of creative teams.






The term `cognitive` comes from the Latin cognoscere - to know, to know, to investigate.

Depending on the context, this word can mean knowledge, conviction, thinking ability,

the ability to study, preserve knowledge and share it with others.


Cognitivism is a branch of psychology and an approach to learning that focuses on thought processes.

Cognitivists believe that learning is defined by how our minds perceive, process, store, and then

reproduce and use information.


Cognitive functions are mental processes that allow us to receive, select, accumulate, process,

create and retrieve information. It helps us understand the world around us and communicate with it.


Cognitive functions include memory, gnosis, speech, praxis, and intellect.


Memory is the ability of the brain to absorb, store and reproduce the information necessary for current activity.


In classical ancient Greek philosophy, gnosis is used in a technical sense, denoting knowledge, research, without having mystical and esoteric connotations.

Visual gnosis (not physiological vision) is the recognition of objects and phenomena on the basis of information received (once) and assimilated about them, this is the discrimination of objects, orientation in space, in relation to objects, and in general the perception and receipt of information about the world.


Praxis is (goes back to the Greek root of the word praxis action) the ability to perform purposeful motor acts. 

These are voluntary, purposeful movements that are provided by the level of the cerebral cortex and its secondary fields.

Man literally created the entire world around him with his own hands.

In the process of this collective activity and the development of hand praxis, the need arose for the development of speech as a means of communication.

New types of praxis have appeared that began to serve speech, these are oral and articulatory movements.


Intelligence in the general philosophical sense is the ability to think, general cognitive ability;

in epistemology - the ability for mediated cognition, including comparison, abstraction, concept formation, judgment, inference, opposed to direct types of cognition - sensory and intuitive.

In a number of psychological concepts, intelligence is identified with a system of mental operations, with a style and strategy for solving problems, with the effectiveness of an individual approach to a situation that requires cognitive activity, with cognitive style, and so on.

The most common is the understanding of intelligence as a biopsychic adaptation to life circumstances.

The difference between intelligence and thinking is that thinking is a cognitive process, while intelligence is a holistically functioning set of cognitive processes (sensations, perception, memory, attention, thinking, speech, imagination).

Cognitive processes are the ability to cover various cognitive processes such as learning, attention,

memory, speech, reasoning, decision making, etc., which are part of intellectual development and experience.



Cognitive development is the development of all kinds of thought processes, such as perception,

memory, concept formation, problem solving, imagination, and logic.


Cognitive abilities - perception, analysis of information about the surrounding reality, attention, memory and speech.


For the development of cognitive abilities, it is useful for both adults and children to read a variety of

literature, solve problems, puzzles and engage in unusual mental work, for example, learn foreign

languages, but that's not all. The state of the body also affects the cognitive potential.

Keep track of your vitamin D levels.


Cognitive psychology - a person looks for irrational beliefs (cognitive distortions) and makes rational

arguments against them. This is one of the most effective types of psychological therapy.

The cognitive approach works great when solving real-world problems.


Cognitive technologies used to be information technologies that are specifically focused on

the development of human intellectual abilities.

Cognitive technologies develop the imagination and associative thinking of a person.


Cognitive technologies, at present, are not only the development of human intellectual abilities,

but also the development of the intellectual qualities of artificial intelligence (AI),

which are evaluated by the intellectual product produced by AI.


AI performs tasks that previously could only be performed by humans.

Examples of AI cognitive technologies include: computer vision, machine learning,

natural language processing, speech recognition, and robotics.


Over the next three to five years, cognitive technologies are likely to have a profound impact on work,

workers and organizations.




What is systems engineering? This is an integrated set of engineering works, which provides for

control and adjustment from the initial to the final stage of work on the design and development of a product.


System engineering (SE) is the activity of the internal work of designing a new product,

with the task of building a system, agreeing on all issues at the initial stage,

with their maximum implementation even before the product is put into operation.


SE should be responsible for the whole picture of the creation of a product, object, unit,

while ensuring that the necessary requirements for the entire life cycle of creation are met.


In order for the created system to work successfully, as well as in order to reduce risks

when designing in creating a new product, the following requirements must be met:


- clearly understand the needs of the customer.

- determine what necessary functions the created product should have.

- determine at the earliest stages of product development, the schedule and stages of

verification for testing, control and operation.

- understand for which system the product will be created, and in what natural and

technical conditions this system operates.

- evaluate and identify the risks of changing technical parameters in the process of creating a product.

- compliance of the designed product with all necessary standards, state standards, and other

legal documents on standardization and quality.

- reduction of the total cost of work on the creation of the product.

- improvement of management processes for decision-making of planning, development and

operation of the product being created.


What does the SE decide? In the field of business processes, management issues are resolved:


- requirements.

- changes.

- configurations.

- supplies.

- task flows.

- programs.

- portfolios.




Systems engineering - control over the development of complex products and systems,

consisting of a set of related components, to ensure their joint functioning.


Systems engineering is a complex, product-oriented methodology responsible for creating

and executing processes that span all the engineering disciplines involved

and ensure that customer and user needs are met.


Systems engineering is the control over the development of complex products

and systems (where a system is a set of components, which in turn can

themselves be systems for smaller components) interconnected for joint functioning.


The rejection of this methodology leads to many problems and complexities,

which has been confirmed more than once by analysts and manufacturing companies

around the world:


- Only 28% of projects meet the planned deadlines and budget.

- Launching a product to market just 6 months late could cost a company 30% of its

planned five year ROI.

- More than 45% of the development budget can be spent on bug fixes and rework.

- From 35 to 50% of the total amount of work is spent on correcting errors made at

the development stage.

- Correction of errors found during the operational phase costs 200 times more than

errors found in the early stages.


The system engineering methodology covers all stages of the product life cycle, from

understanding the needs and requirements, determining the required functionality

and architecture of the product, to mandatory planned checks (tests, certifications,

acceptance tests, control) at the necessary stages of the life cycle.


More information:

More information


System engineering as an academic subject is taught in many universities around the world.

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