Login to the programs of the "MODIFIER" package using the Username and Password received by email is possible after registration and payment for a paid subscription.
It is also possible to log in to the Demo versions of the programs of the "MODIFIER" package with a time limit without payment.
● Subscription to the software package `MODIFIER` is carried out for a period of bonus + 90 days.
● Bonus, includes all days of the subscription, one day after payment, before the start of the main subscription period of 90 days (upcoming quarter of the year - quarter).
● The cost of a subscription to the MODIFIER software package for a period of bonus + 90 days is 90 BYN.
● Subscription to the MODIFIER software package starts with a bonus (within a day after payment, the Buyer receives a Username and Password), is valid until the start of the main subscription period of 90 days, and ends at 00:00 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). The main period of 90 days (days) is the upcoming quarter (quarter) of the year.
● Payment for the Subscription is accepted by bank card remotely, via a secure connection with the bank (online payment, Internet acquiring).
● When paying for the Subscription, the Buyer is obliged to indicate his current e-mail in the corresponding test field in order to provide him with an electronic receipt confirming the payment, as well receiving the Username and Password for access to the Subscription Program Package for a period of: bonus + 90 days. Username and Password are sent by the Seller to the Buyer`s e-mail within 24 hours.
Brief introduction.
Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ), these are methodologies for:
- Search for non-trivial ideas.
- Identification and solution of many creative problems in science, technology, society, psychology, ....
- Selection of promising directions for the development of equipment, technology and cost reduction for their development and production.
- Development of structured and creative thinking.
- Formation of a creative personality and societies.
In TRIZ, when analyzing a problem and building a problem model, an understanding of cause-and-effect relationships (CER) in a complex system (CS) is built and the CS is divided into singles CER, at the chosen level of consideration.
Further, the internal elements of such separate, single CER are formed (in logic, these are the "Production Rules" or in a generalized, abbreviated notation - predicates, in science and technology - these are models of elementary systems (ES)).
TRIZ is a set of methodologies for eliminating UNDESIRABLE CONSEQUENCES arising in the CER CS...
TRIZ methodologies appeared in the middle of the 20th century in the republics of the former USSR, thanks to their founder, Heinrich Saulovich Altshuller, and are further developed by his students and followers.
The development of the structure of the creative style of thinking was a kind of protest against `dullness of thought`, `one minding`, `everyday inertia of thinking` and `suffocating` all new bureaucracy in technology and science.
At present, TRIZ methodologies have been applied not only to `technical systems`, but also in sociology, management, marketing, business, and other areas of human activity.
They are studied and applied in the USA, Canada, Japan, Israel, the leading countries of Europe and Southeast Asia, united in a kind of TRIZ ecosystem.
(For example, in China there are almost 3000 universities, 10% of which study TRIZ).
Disadvantages of TRIZ methodologies are insufficient scientific systematization and logical formalization of methods and tools.
The programs of the `MODIFIER` package, among other things, are aimed at eliminating these shortcomings.
More information on TRIZ: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TRIZ
Cognitive technologies used to be information technologies that are specifically focused on the development of human intellectual abilities. Cognitive technologies develop the imagination and associative thinking of a person.
Cognitive technologies, at present, are not only the development of human intellectual abilities, but also the development of the intellectual qualities of artificial intelligence (AI), which are evaluated by the intellectual product produced by AI.
AI performs tasks that previously could only be performed by humans. Examples of AI cognitive technologies include: computer vision, machine learning, natural language processing, speech recognition, and robotics.
Over the next three to five years, cognitive technologies are likely to have a profound impact on work, workers and organizations.
What is systems engineering? This is an integrated set of engineering works, which provides for control and adjustment from the initial to the final stage of work on the design and development of a product.
System engineering (SE) is the activity of the internal work of designing a new product, with the task of building a system, agreeing on all issues at the initial stage, with their maximum implementation even before the product is put into operation.
SE should be responsible for the whole picture of the creation of a product, object, unit, while ensuring that the necessary requirements for the entire life cycle of creation are met.